I was thinking of new and different ideas for today’s post. So, I decided to take a walk around the house to see if there was something interesting to shoot when I walked by a bunch of Sunflower Goldeneye flowers (Vigumera dentata) and saw that the bees were buzzing around them. So, I grabbed my camera and my macro lens and shot a few images of bees gorging on pollen from these flowers. When I downloaded the images to my computer I realized that I had too many images to choose from so I decided that a Triptych would allow me to show multiple images in a single post. So, I chose the three images that best depicted one bee serving its role as chief pollinator and created the Triptych below.
A triptych is a work of art that is divided into three sections, or three carved panels that are hinged together and can be folded shut or displayed open. The middle panel is typically the largest and it is flanked by two smaller related works, although there are triptych of equal-sized panels. I decided to create my triptych using the latter format.

I also thought it would be interesting to show a closeup of the bee and the glob of orange pollen around its hind leg. You can also see it in the above images.

This image was taken using my Canon EOS 5D Mark III with my Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro Lens. The camera was set on Aperture Priority mode with the aperture set at f/6.3, shutter speed at 1/250th of a second and the ISO set at 100. Processing for the triptych was done in Photoshop. The rest of the processing was done in Lightroom.
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