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Cargill Pool Elevator

Cargill Pool Elevator

The Cargill Pool Elevator located in the Buffalo Harbor in Buffalo, NY and photographed at dusk. I used my ND filters to extend the exposure.

Barn Swallow Chicks

Barn Swallows

I had the opportunity to visit a farm near Buffalo, NY where people go to pick strawberries. It was there that I found these little Barn Swallows.

Trinity Episcopal

Trinity Episcopal

Trinity Episcopal Church was built in the 19th century and it is a great example of Gothic Revival and Victorian Gothic styles.



Once in a while I stumble onto something interesting. In this case it was “Babeville”. This photograph is the ceiling in the old church sanctuary.

Eternal Flame

Eternal Flame

The “eternal flame” is found in a grotto housed within a waterfall in a park south of Buffalo. The fire is fueled by natural gas that seeps into the grotto.