I traveled to Florida in the spring of 2015 to attend a wedding with family and friends. I took multiple opportunities during the trip to venture out and take some photographs. I was specifically looking for some rocky beaches to take some ocean shots. There are not that many rocky beaches in Florida! I did manage to find a place near Port St Lucie called Stuart Rocks. It’s a very popular place for surfers. There were definitely rocks there. To me, they appeared to be volcanic in nature. I was very amazed with how porous they were. I also had the opportunity to visit various botanical gardens and to shoot the Miami skyline. Unfortunately, the skies were not that interesting for my Miami Skyline sunrise shots. But, I did learn quite a bit about long exposure photography. The botanical gardens were great. Of particular interest was the Fairchild Botanical Garden in Miami. Very enjoyable place. Lots of flowers and wildlife. It was there I met my friend the Egret. I think it was set on being a model as it followed me around and seem to pose for me. So, I took quite a few shots and landed on this one as my best one.
This image was taken with my SONY ILCE-7M2 using my a Rokinon 85mm f1.4 G. The camera was set on Aperture priority mode with the aperture set at f/4.5, shutter speed at 1/125 at ISO 100. I used this manual lens specifically to get a great bokeh. In short, bokeh is a term used to describe the blur that is produced in the out of focus parts of the image. There is good and bad bokeh. Different lenses produce better or worse results.
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© 2015 Terry Kahler