I’m branching out way, way, way out of my photography comfort zone with some portrait photography work for my good friend Sam Pace. Sam approached me a couple of weeks ago with a request for some studio work for an upcoming album and marking campaign. I agreed to a photo shoot in my homemade studio. We met about 10 days ago and we spent a good part of an afternoon photographing various poses and scenes. This one photo caught my eye and I decided to post it on my blog as an example of the work I did. Most of you know that I’m much more comfortable photographing landscapes than people so it took quite a bit of effort, research and dry runs to get to the point where I could photograph Sam. I hope some of these photos are useful to him and his musician journey. By the way, Sam is an excellent Texas Blues musician!

This image was taken with my Canon EOS 5DS using my Canon EF 85mm f/1.8L Lens. The camera was set on Manual mode with the aperture set at f/8, shutter speed at 1/60th of a second and the ISO set at 100. I used a tripod for stability and I used my Novatron studio lights to illuminate Sam. I used one soft box to his left and a DIY snoot behind him to his right. This is a single image processed in Lightroom. I learned a lot from this experience and I noted some changes I will definitely make next time.
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© 2017 T. Kahler Photography
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Beautifully done. Kudos.
Thanks Rick!