One of the 2016 highlights was the trip I made with some friends to South Africa. I was able to capture a large number of wildlife photographs and none is more memorable than the one of this baby baboon. Baboons are prolific throughout South Africa. We spotted this baby baboon while visiting Table Mountain National Park, located just south of Cape Town. The Baboon pack was hanging around a Tidal Pool area. That is when I was able to capture this photograph of this baby baboon with its mother.
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This image was taken with my Canon EOS 5DS using my Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 II Lens set on 400mm. The camera was set on Manual Mode mode with the aperture set at f/11, shutter speed at 1/125th of a second and the ISO set at 640. This was a single image processed in Lightroom and Nik Color Efex Pro.
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