This image of a Bitterweed in the foreground and the Texas Bluebonnet in the background was taken at Pedernales Falls State Park near the Bird Blind where I photographed the Ruby-throated Hummingbird that I wrote about in yesterday’s post. A friend of mine was telling me about a photographer that uses his telephoto lens to photograph wildflowers. So, I decided to experiment with my telephoto lens. What I like about it was the depth of field and the bokeh (e.g. “soft” background) that the lens produced. I wrote about bokeh recently in a post titled Cardinalis Cardinalis.
Telephoto lenses (aka long lenses) have a shallower depth of field. A 50mm lens with an aperture setting at f/8 with an object 10 feet away has a depth of field of 6.3 feet. A 100mm lens with the same aperture and focus distance has a depth of field of 1.42 feet. A 400mm lens with the same settings has a depth of field of 0.07 feet. A very big difference. So if you want a very shallow depth of field think about using a telephoto lens.

This image was taken with my Canon EOS 7D Mark II using my Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 II Lens set on 400 mm. The camera was set on Aperture priority mode with the aperture set at f/6.3, shutter speed at 1/640th of a second and the ISO set at 400. This is a single image processed in Lightroom.
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