Spring is just around the corner which for us Texans means that it’s Texas Bluebonnet time! This is something we look forward to every year! This year, however, we are seeing Bluebonnet blooms much earlier than usual due to our warmer than normal winter. I photographed this Bluebonnet a few days ago at the LBJ Wildflower Center in South Austin. The blooms were really starting to pop. This was one of the better specimens.
Lady Bird Johnson, wife of our 36th president Lyndon B. Johnson, was a huge advocate of Texas Wildflowers. In 1982, she and actress Helen Hayes founded the National Wildflower Research Center west of Austin, Texas. The Center was devoted to preserving and reintroducing native plants in planned landscapes. In 1994, the center opened a new facility southwest of Austin and officially renamed it the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. It later was incorporated into the University of Texas at Austin. If you are in Austin and are interested in one of the best Texas Wildflower experiences then you need to visit the Willow City Loop around the end of March.

This image was taken with my Canon EOS 5DS using my Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro Lens. The camera was set on Manual mode with the aperture set at f/16, shutter speed at 1/200th of a second and the ISO set at 100. I used my Canon MT-24 Twin Flash to light the subject. This is a single image processed in Lightroom.
YYou can access the datasheet for this flower by clicking here. You can also access the database for all my Texas Wildflower photos by clicking here.
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