You may have figured out that the Texas Gayfeather is one of my favorite Texas Wildflowers. I have many, of course, but this Crooked Gayfeather caught my attention during a recent trip to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. I especially liked the fact that the scene had a color-filled background of other Texas Gayfeather and Maximilian Sunflowers. The separation between the crooked Gayfeather and the other plants was a big plus as it allowed me to create a nice soft background.
This image was taken with my Sony A7R II Digital Camera using my Sony 90mm f/2.8 Macro Lens. The camera was set on Aperture Priority mode with the aperture set at f/8, shutter speed at 1/40th of a second and the ISO set at 400. I used only natural light to light the subject. I captured six images and brought them together into a single image using Photoshop and the focus stacking technique. I finalized the image Lightroom and Nik Color Efex Pro.
You can access the datasheet for this flower by clicking here or access my Texas Wildflower database by clicking here. You can also view my favorite Texas Wildflower photographs by clicking here. Please use the section below to post your comments, questions, or suggestions.