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Feather Dalea

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Feather Dalea (Dalea formosa Torr.)

Description: Featherplume is a 2-3 ft., thornless, colony-forming shrub which can reach 6 ft. in height. A low scraggly shrub bearing tiny, pinnately compound leaves and pea flowers with yellow and bright purple to pink-purple petals in short, head-like racemes. It forms large, low-spreading, finely-textured mounds with silvery, delicately compound leaves. Short, spike-like clusters of fuzzy, purple flowers cover the blooming plant. Close inspection reveals a bright yellow banner petal contrasting with the rose-purple corolla. Blossoms are followed by flat, shaggy-haired seed pods.

One of many shrubby species of Dalea, this plant–with its dark bark, contorted branches, and small leaves–is an excellent candidate for bonsai.

Family: Fabaceae

Synonym(s): Parosela formosa


Duration: Perennial

Habit: Shrub

Size Class: 3-6 ft.

Bloom Color: Red, Yellow, Purple

Bloom Time: Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug

Water Use: Low

Light Requirements: Sun

Soil Moisture: Dry

Notes: Native Habitat: Dry, scrubby areas.
Soil Description: Poor, dry, rocky soils. Limestone-based, Caliche type, Sandy, Sandy Loam, Medium Loam, Clay Loam Clay
Conditions Comments: Will get leggy in good soil or if fertilized. Should be cut back in the spring. Good ground cover.

ATTRIBUTION: All of the Texas Wildflower images in this post are copyrighted and are the exclusive property of Terry B. Kahler. Reproduction without explicit written consent is prohibited. Some of the information contained in this section was taken from the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center website and is being used under their terms of use. Redistribution from this site is prohibited. Additional information contained in this section was taken from the USDA website including the USDA code.

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