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American Basket Flower

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American Basket Flower (Centaurea americana)

Description:  American basket-flower is a 1 1/2-5 ft. annual with a stout, leafy, much-branched stem and lavender-pink, filamentous flower heads with cream-colored centers. The flower heads are 4-5 in. wide and are subtended by fringed bracts. The plant looks similar to the thistles but lacks their prickly characteristics

The name basket flower refers to the stiff, straw-colored bracts just beneath the flower head, which is divided at the tip into long, sharp teeth.

Family:  Asteraceae

Synonym(s):  American Basket-flower, American Star-thistle, Basket-flower, Star Thistle, Shaving Brush, Basket Flower

USDA Symbol:  CEAM2

Duration:  Annual

Habit: Herb

Size Class: 3-6 ft.

Bloom Color: White, Pink

Bloom Time: May, Jun

Water Use:  Low

Light Requirements:  Part Shade

Soil Moisture:  Dry

Bloom Notes:  Has a sweet, honey fragrance and makes brilliant cut flowers. The plant resembles the thistles but lacks their prickly characteristics. This is a showy, easily cultivated wildflower.

ATTRIBUTION:  All of the Texas Wildflower images in this post are copyrighted and are the exclusive property of Terry B. Kahler. Reproduction without explicit written consent is prohibited. Some of the information contained in this section was taken from the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center website and is being used under their terms of use. Redistribution from this site is prohibited. Additional information contained in this section was taken from the USDA website including the USDA code.

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